Thursday: Hili dialogue, Mietek monologues, farm rush hour and some inorganic tweets

November 21, 2019 • 7:29 am

by Matthew Cobb

In Poland, Hili is washing her… well, I don’t wish to be rude, but it doesn’t look like her paw. Not sure what the theological implications of that might be.

Hili: I wash my paws.
A: Pilate washed his hands and it ended badly.
Hili: Umywam nogi.
Ja: Piłat umył ręce i to źle się skończyło.
Mietek is turning into a reader!
Mietek: This will be the suitable reading for today.
And he likes to play with toys:
Mietek: What else can I amuse myself with…
Down on the farm, the fowl are particular keen to get out:

Some inorganic tweets:
It was an eventful day on Capitol Hill yesterday:

This is a genuine photo of the notes that Trump used in his brief statement to the press yesterday:

This is an extraordinary act of scholarship. Plus they got to name some of these new species of wasp after people who had helped them. Lots of very happy folk on entomology twitter last night!

Not everything about the human race is nice though:

Here are some organic tweets:

Two tweets from Heather Hastie (we had the kestrel the other day, but you can’t watch it too often – I showed it to my first year students in this morning’s lecture on birds):

And finally, my favourite tweet of the day, which I could have shown in my lecture, but didn’t – this turkey has fallen in love with a USPS van.

18 thoughts on “Thursday: Hili dialogue, Mietek monologues, farm rush hour and some inorganic tweets

  1. Response to “neighborhood” Letter.

    Your letter has been received and properly filed. Suggest any future letters be thrown directly into the garbage thus avoiding the postage.

    1. The interesting point is that, if my kids damaged my neighbour’s fence, I think it would be reasonable to compensate the neighbour for the repairs.

      However, this letter makes me want to be unreasonable and to tell them to shove it up their arse.

    2. Wow! If that is his usual manner of establishing relations with new neighbours and acquaintances I don’t imagine he has a lot of friends. Should he ever need a favour there is unlikely to be a stampede of people wanting to help him out!

    3. Reminds me of some of the ugly messages I see on I generally like the site as I can find out what is going on in the neighborhood and get rid of virtually anything in minutes by putting it on the curb and posting on Nextdoor. Still, like all social media sites, the weirdos and trolls lurk.

  2. I must be losing the ability to read. I’ve looked over the letter from the neighbour a number of times and I can seeing a reference to a “metal designer fence”. Why would anybody have a “designer fence”.

    Or is it a real thing in America?

    1. Not sure about “designer fence”, but I’ve been under the impression that anything with “designer” in front of it means it’s overpriced.

    2. Apparently very proud of his fence. What is that old saying – good fences make good neighbors. Not too sure in this case.

  3. Ha! Magpies are such serious birds – often mocking the world with an air of mischief and superiority. It’s nice to see this one let down her hair, so to speak.

  4. They say good fences make good neighbors, but apparently designer fences make pricks. How was this man raised that his first reaction is a threatening letter? I feel very sorry for that new homeowner. I can imagine the lawyers has form letters for Christmas and Halloween decorations, as well as garage sales.

    1. And that’s just 136 newly discovered species. A tiny fraction of the tens of thousands of endoparasitic wasp species overall.

  5. Re scuttle flies: I clicked the link in the twitter post because I wanted to learn just how they parasitize the termites, what do they do to them; however though the link was informative and the title tantalizing “termite-tormenting flies,” it did not address my question. So I clicked the link to one of the research papers and got only an abstract, which again didn’t address my question except to imply it has something to do with their larvae.

    I was charmed by some phraseology in the abstract, such as characterizing the flies as having “a termite-associated lifestyle.” I was hitherto unaware that insects had “lifestyles.” And this description: “The guest-type is described as being socially integrated, communicating with the host and being involved in worker/nymph interactions.” Sounds almost as if it came from an article in Psychology Today.

  6. For a bird, getting drunk would seem to be severely maladaptive behavior. You’re a prey species, and getting drunk makes you a sitting duck (or sitting magpie is the case maybe). I doubt that that magpie could even fly.

    Of course, arguably everything I’m saying would apply to humans,too.

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