Leisure fascism: Vegan says that a carnivore can’t eat tofu because it’s “cultural appropriation”

January 15, 2018 • 4:00 pm

Well, yes, this is from The Sun, but it does give names and I suspect it’s true (it’s reported at multiple places, including msn) .  Click on the screenshot for the LOLs:

The relevant bit of their exchange (in case you didn’t know, “tofurkey” is a turkey substitute made out of tofu, intended for consumption at Thanksgiving):

How well the termites have dined—or have not dined! I’m crying and shaking now. I can’t even. . .

Read the original article for more fun, including to see how the carnivorous tofu-eater was temporarily banned from her Facebook group.

h/t: Cindy

75 thoughts on “Leisure fascism: Vegan says that a carnivore can’t eat tofu because it’s “cultural appropriation”

  1. My first encounter with tofu was in the ’70s on an insect-collecting road trip in the California Coast Ranges. My co-pilot wanted to stop at a commune to see friends.

    Found that the inmates seemingly eschewed seasoning as well as animals products. More memorable than the tofu, but inextricably associated with it in my memory was waking up on straw-over-pounded-mud floor and finding that an earwig had nested in my left ear.

  2. I hope that vegan never eats bread or pasta because that would be appropriating from people with Celiac disease.

  3. I like tofu. I eat it alongside meats in stir-fry and even fry it in bacon grease. What I don’t get is when vegans try to make their tofu look and taste like meat. Why bother pretending? Just eat the damned tofu. It’s so much better when it’s not trying to be something else.

    1. Making tofu and other such substances (such as texturized vegetable protein – yum!) taste and look like meat constitutes culinary appropriation.

      1. I eat gas station meat pies. Rumour has it they contain no actual meat but I like the flavour. 😉


          1. 🙂

            I only do it on road trips. Quick, cheap dose of protein, needs no utensils to eat and doesn’t waste good driving time.


          2. I stop at a little Cuban coffee stand on a regular basis and often indulge in an empanada de carne, so know whereof you speak.

  4. That’s beyond ridiculous. What a fool. Unless the vegan is Asian, she’s engaging in cultural appropriation; and there are plenty of Asian dishes that include both tofu and meat.

  5. I was a vegan for about 2.5 years and then vegetarian for about 15. I know precisely the pretentious attitudes that can be floated in those camps. Thinking one is better because their diet might be better is normal. These people have put thought into their diet, when, generally, they think others have not. This is, for the most part, incorrect.

    Most vegetarians I’ve known are not as healthy as they think and tend to shut down reason in favor of diet identity.

    1. My own story is similar to yours for nearly two decades I was vegan then vegetarian and it wasn’t worth the considerable (and in may ways expensive)effort.
      At the bitter end I twigged what I had been doing was no more than attempting to cure a non existent disease (meat eating) with a variety of nostrums or placeboes.
      I think there may be a connection between extreme vegetarianism and hypochondria

  6. “stealing what we need for your own selfish use” Tofu is in such short supply that it needs to be rationed for Vegans only?

    1. Ha ha – and, as a limited resource, triaged. So, a vegan in more desperate need for tofu would get tofu before a vegan that didn’t need the tofu so urgently. It would be interesting to determine what the “need” would be.

      1. And I’m guessing this vegan is convinced that GMOs are a terrible idea and give people cancer. Or autism. Or something.

    1. I don’t think one should name the constellation if one isn’t related to the ancient Greek whose lyre it was named for.

          1. OK, I’m NOT going to admit online that I’m brain-farting over this one…I feel like Satchel in Get Fuzzy…

            Oh, wait…*puts stress on 3rd syllable*…ok, ok. I get it.

            Just because I put the stress on the proper syllable! And find no hard consonant on the end! Yeah, I’m hopelessly literal. ‘Wait–all c’s were hard in ancient Greek, weren’t they? I’ll just shut up, now…

    1. I think that is the word we are all looking for on this. There are enough soybeans out there for everyone.

  7. This is predictable, generational regressive veganism. Have been vegetarian for 30 years in order to reduce demand for food that involves cruelty/brutality. And wish I could be vegan. But no one would know that a white/male drinker/smoker would forgo virtue-signaling for unspoken non-human concern

  8. Just what is going on with vegans (or I should say, “some” or “many” vegans – there are probably some decent and sensible ones)?

    My sister became a vegan years ago, and oh jeez! She’s so snotty and superior and judgemental about it. She won’t hesitate to inflict rude put-downs on anyone who isn’t as pure and virtuous as she is.

    She also gave up wearing leather. And what did she do with her leather shoes and things? She gave them to me. She purified herself and transferred the evil to me.

    The thing about that is that it reminds me of the institution of the Shabbos Goy, and the practice here in PA of “driving the Amish”. If it’s sinful for a Jew to work on the Sabbath, and sinful for the Amish to drive a car, isn’t it kind of creepy to enjoy the benefit of Sabbath or a nice car ride while the Goy or the English bears the sin?

    This sort of transference of evil to someone else so as to enjoy the benefit while someone else bears the consequence seems pretty yucky to me.

      1. Is that true? Do the vegitarians you know provide non-vegitarian dishes for there non-vegitarians guests? As a courtesy I always provide food based on dietary requirements and preferences. The vegitarians I know do not, save one.

          1. I understand your point. You’re virtue signaling. You are of course a better person because as you say, I prefer food based on brutality.

      2. Hello, Finknottle…good on you! I did switch to ovo-lacto-vegetarianism some time ago because of the cruelty concerns. But then I found myself in a very difficult situation in which it was just too hard to be strict about it, and I went back to using meat for protein.

        I do NOT eat veal. No. Won’t do it. No pate de foi gras. But I do use other meat. I want to go back to ovo-lacto-vegetarianism, though.

        My sister tore into me for eating eggs and using milk and cheese. I worked at a dairy store and caught holy hell from her for that. (And everything that’s wrong in her family is All My Fault somehow, don’t ask me how, I don’t have a clue…) Oh, I caught all hell for having a pet snake (a rescue – animals are not merchandise) and for going from New York State to Kentucky to rescue and adopt an unwanted and mistreated cat. Whatcha gonna do?

        What do you eat for protein? If you’re not a vegan, are you ovo-lacto? I’m interested. I’m having food difficulties and I want to get my diet improved and straightened out, and get away from meat.

        1. Hi: Hmmm, I guit meat in August 1987 and have eaten tofu about twelve times over the years.

          At 51 my stamina has never suffered as people told me it would when I gave up flesh back then. Eggs and cheese are very, very rare. But rice and beans/fruits and nuts seem to do the trick. And I’ve always liked broccoli, spinach and the stuff people aren’t supposed to like.

          Beats the hell outta me why anyone thinks going veg hard. You can do it;-)

    1. Wilde famously used the idea for The Picture of Dorian Grey.

      I seem to recall it backfired eventually.


        1. Oh yes. I really do like the idea that, since Jesus died for our sins, it would be ungrateful and a wasted opportunity – almost blasphemy in fact – not to take maximum advantage of that kind offer… 😎


  9. Well, my history undergrad major self leaps forward here.

    Tofu has been part of the cuisine of China for 2000 years, but its rise in popularity in Asian culture coincides with the rise of Buddhism with its vegetarian mandates. But this is centuries later!! It was not invented by nor for vegetarians. They “appropriated” it.

  10. Funny, since in the last twenty years of me being a vegetarian (3 years of which as a vegan) it was only the meat eaters that bitched and moaned and harassed me about my diet. Now the non-leather shoe is on the other foot and the vegans are being assholes as well. It’s not an improvement.

    No matter what goes into or comes out of it, an asshole is an asshole be they meat eater, vegetarian, or vegan.

    1. Meat-eaters? I think of myself as an omnivore. Some human cultures subsist entirely on meat, and these I would consider “meat-eaters”. Not trying to be pedantic, but you also said “vegetarian” and “vegan” both of these words are misplaced as well. I know vegetarians who drink milk and eat eggs, and vegans who eat honey. I didn’t know vegans weren’t supposed to eat honey. Either way, all these food restriction self-identifying names are useless and boring. There are good reasons to eat healthy, and ethically. I just get tired when these issues are broken down into silly labels. Damn, I haven’t heard about the “brutality” incrimination until today.

  11. Don’t vegans realize the dangers they pose for the natural environment? The Amazon sorghum forests are dwindling, the herds of wild tofu are on the verge of extinction, and the use of turmeric and activated charcoal are speeding up global warming.

      1. The combination of a “taste nice” gene and “capable of being domesticated” gene is a remarkably successful evolutionary trait.

        If an animal’s life has value then surely it has value even if it is terminated rather abruptly. Perhaps the cows and pigs prefer the existence they have as opposed to not existing at all. Have you asked them?

  12. Can we omnivores eat edamame? How about chickpeas? Lettuce? Can we eat any non-meat? Seems to me the person saying “I want to eat that, so you can’t have any” is the one being selfish.

  13. One of SNL’s new-ish writers is Julio Torres, a vegan. He does a stand-up bit where he says, “I’m often asked what I miss as a vegan. What I miss is . . . being liked. I miss my family. . . . “

  14. I used to be a vegan and then an omnivore and am now a vegetarian but always a human. As a human, and assuming this story is true, I am slightly embarrased to belong the same species as the complainer. I don’t care what anybody else eats, but most evangelical vegans I know would actually welcome any carnivores preparing and eating vegan food.

    1. Entirely sensible point. One would have thought the more people ate tofu, the less animal consumption, therefore the complainer should welcome it as a step in the right direction whoever is eating it. It’s not as if tofu was a non-renewable resource.


        1. Maybe I’m being a bit etymological there.

          As I understand it, omnivore means meat-and-veg eater, which I am. However ‘omni’ means ‘everything’ and my tastes are capricious and finicky so ‘omni’ doesn’t quite fit. For example I find eggs disgusting, also most identifiable organs like tongue, liver etc.

          It’s nothing to do with ethics (though honestly, if someone decreed that I had to go full vegetarian – and if someone could come up with convincingly steak or bacon-flavoured tofu – I wouldn’t mind one bit).


          1. I see. 🙂 Well, by your definition it’d be pretty damned hard to find anyone who fills the bill.

            Enjoyed any maggots, lately?

          2. Having been taught that humans are omnivores, and having studied enough history and anthropology to be aware of the many things some people eat that I may consider repulsive, I don’t knock it. I might not like some of the foods that sustain others, but I don’t begrudge them their eating whatever they must to survive. And if I were lost in a forest or jungle and starving, I’m quite sure I wouldn’t be finicky either.

  15. Brutality was created by God:

    The Heaven of Animals
    By James L. Dickey

    Here they are. The soft eyes open.
    If they have lived in a wood
    It is a wood.
    If they have lived on plains
    It is grass rolling
    Under their feet forever.

    Having no souls, they have come,
    Anyway, beyond their knowing.
    Their instincts wholly bloom
    And they rise.
    The soft eyes open.

    To match them, the landscape flowers,
    Outdoing, desperately
    Outdoing what is required:
    The richest wood,
    The deepest field.

    For some of these,
    It could not be the place
    It is, without blood.
    These hunt, as they have done,
    But with claws and teeth grown perfect,

    More deadly than they can believe.
    They stalk more silently,
    And crouch on the limbs of trees,
    And their descent
    Upon the bright backs of their prey

    May take years
    In a sovereign floating of joy.
    And those that are hunted
    Know this as their life,
    Their reward: to walk

    Under such trees in full knowledge
    Of what is in glory above them,
    And to feel no fear,
    But acceptance, compliance.
    Fulfilling themselves without pain

    At the cycle’s center,
    They tremble, they walk
    Under the tree,
    They fall, they are torn,
    They rise, they walk again.

    James Dickey, “The Heaven of Animals” from The Whole Motion: Collected Poems 1945-1992. Copyright © 1992 by James Dickey. Reprinted with the permission of Wesleyan University Press, http://www.wesleyan.edu/wespress.
    Source: James Dickey: The Selected Poems (Wesleyan University Press, 1998)

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