The weird genome of water bears (tardigrades): more than a sixth of it swiped from distantly related species

November 27, 2015 • 9:00 am

Your eyes are growing heavy; you are growing sleepy; and now you WILL read this post!

Tardigrades, or “water bears,” are some of the world’s weirdest—and toughest—animals. They’re so bizarre that they constitute their own phylum, Tardigrada, but are related to arthropods and nematodes (roundworms), with whom—along with a few other beasts—they’re grouped in the “clade” Ecdysozoa.

Although they’re small, tardigrades are also very cute, and this photo shows why they’re called “water bears” (they’re also called “moss piglets” because of their snouts and frequent occupation of damp moss):

Source: American Museum of Natural History

Here’s a video of what they look like bopping around in the water:

What’s most remarkable about tardigrades is their toughness, which Matthew describes below. Wikipedia also notes this:

Tardigrades are notable for being perhaps the most durable of known organisms; they are able to survive extreme conditions that would be rapidly fatal to nearly all other known life forms. They can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero [JAC: they can survive at -272°C, one degree above absolute zero] to well above the boiling point of water (100 °C) [JAC: they can survive at 151°C!], pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for more than 10 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce. They are not considered extremophilic because they are not adapted to exploit these conditions. This means that their chances of dying increase the longer they are exposed to the extreme environments, whereas true extremophiles thrive in a physically or geochemically extreme environment that would harm most other organisms.

If we ever destroy the planet with nuclear weapons, and only one form of life remains, it will not be cockroaches but tardigrades.

As we’ll see, their ability to dry out and then revive after rehydration may explain the remarkable result given in the paper I’ll describe today.  First, though, Matthew Cobb, who knows a lot about tardigrades (he lectures on them) volunteered to supply us with some Fun Tardigrade facts, below:


Fun Tardigrade Facts (by Matthew Cobb)

• There are over 1000 species, all which are aquatic. They mainly live in terrestrial water-films, although one order is classed as ‘marine’ as it lives on the edge of the sea.

• They are disappointingly small: 0.05 – 1mm in length.

• They have four pairs of appendages, which are lobopod-like legs. They have a layered cuticle which appears to be chitinous, and grow by moulting, shedding their skin through their mouth opening.

• They are not arthropods, and although their bodies have indentations, they are not segmented. They belong in their own phylum, Tardigrada (named by Spallanzani in 1777, the word means ‘slow-stepper’), and are thought to be the closest relatives of Onychophora (velvet worms) and Arthropoda.

• They are a very ancient lineage – their ancestor separated from the ancestor of the arthropods over 700 million years ago. Some tardigrade lineages split around 630 million years ago, before the Ediacaran period, which is generally seen as being the first moment that multicellular organisms appear in the fossil record.

• Some of them are detritivores (i.e. they eat crap), others are carnivorous, eating rotifers and similar prey.

• They show a variety of modes of reproduction: sexual, parthenogenetic and even self-fertilisation in some hermaphroditic species.

• The weirdest thing is that during tough times they can shrivel up into what is called a ‘tun’ – a cold-resistant winter form. They do this by losing all but around 3% of their body water. This effectively turns them into something like a seed or a spore – alive, but only just, with minimal respiration (hence the technical term ‘cryptobiosis’). Just add water, and you revive the little beast. Here’s a scanning electron micrograph of a tun:


• In the tun state, tardigrades can resist temperatures as high as +149 C and as low -272ºC. You can immerse them in alcohol or ether, and they will still recover.

• In 2008, the TARDIS project (‘Tardigrades in space’) shoved some of these beasts on the outside of the Foton 3 satellite. There they were, whizzing round the planet in the hard vacuum and -272ºC in low Earth orbit for 10 days, holding onto the satellite as though their lives depending on it (NB artistic license here – they were in a box, in the tun state). When they were returned to Earth, tardigrades that had been exposed to space could be revived with the same frequency as control tardigrades. About the only thing that would kill them was if they were also exposed to all the electromagnetic radiation that bombarded the satellite. However, if they were protected from UV A and B rays, then about 15% of the tuns could initially be revived.

To learn more, including access to virtually every paper ever published on tardigrades, go to the delightfully retro Tardigrade Newsletter site. You’ll party like it’s 1999.


JAC: What I want to highlight today is a new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Thomas Boothby et al. (reference and free link below; see also the summary on Science Alert). The upshot is that they sequenced the DNA of one species of tardigrade, Hypsibius dujardini, and found—astoundingly—that more than one-sixth of its genome, 17.5%, was from completely unrelated species—mostly bacteria. (This is the proportion of all genes coming from non-tardigrade species). This is nearly twice the proportion seen in the species previously known to have the most foreign genes: the rotifer Adinata ricciae (9.6% of its genes of foreign origin).

Here’s an individual of H. dujardini:


I’ll try to be brief here, though the results are truly astounding. In fact, you could consider them a dramatically new expansion of evolutionary theory, for they show that organisms can evolve not just via mutations in their own DNA, but by taking in genes from completely unrelated species.

Although we already knew this from studies of aphids, rotifers, and bacteria—the phenomenon known as “horizontal gene transfer” (HGT) has been described for some time—we had no idea that so much of a species’ genome could comprise genes taken from distant relatives. Although this doesn’t drastically change evolutionary theory (one could consider the uptake of these genes as a form of drastic “macromutation”), it does show that adaptations can in some cases evolve very quickly, and that these might (but usually don’t) screw up the branching phylogenetic trees that depend on assuming evolutionary change within lineages and no cross-lineage “genetic pollution.”

The authors simply sequenced the tardigrade genome (it didn’t used to be so simple!), and compared the sequence with the database of genes from other groups. They found that, as I said, about 17.5% of the tardigrade’s genes had their closest sequence match in completely unrelated species. The authors did controls, of course, to be sure that the DNA really was in the H. dujardini genome rather than being a contaminant from bacteria in the lab or in the tardigrade’s gut, and also to be sure that the foreign genes weren’t simply something that had been in the ancestor of the tardigrades and the putative source species, and was later lost in tardigrades. Everything was copacetic: all the genes were really taken in from distant species and incorporated into the H. dujardini genome.

Here’s the proportion of genes sequenced that came from different sources (note that they didn’t have data on 31.5% of the genes, so the 17.5% foreign-gene figure may well be an undestimate). The vast majority of genes acquired by HGT came from bacteria, with some from viruses, fungi, plants, and archaea:


Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 11.28.39 AM
(From paper):: Source of genes in the H. dujardini genome as determined by HGT index calculations following Galaxy tools taxonomy extraction

Some other results:

  • Is the retention of foreign genes random? The kinds of foreign genes taken in were not random: they tended to be those involved in stress resistance, like heat-shock proteins, immune response genes (catalase genes), and genes producing proteins involved in DNA repair and protection of membranes. This makes sense, for tardigrades regularly undergo desiccation and rehydration in the wild, and when this happens their systems are shocked, their membranes stressed, and their DNA tends to fragment. The selective uptake of genes, then, suggests that there has been natural selection on the tardigrades to take in foreign genes that protect them from and help them recover from stress.
  • How does the horizontal gene transfer occur? When tardigrades dry out, losing 97% of their body water, and then rehydrate, they take in water from the environment, and that water may contain foreign DNA. We also know that the tardigrade nuclear membrane becomes porous when this occurs, so that foreign DNA could enter the nucleus and integrate into the species’ genome. After that, natural selection would occur, with those animals having foreign genes that help them survive this process leaving more offspring. In that sense it’s pretty normal natural selection, but with the “mutations” comprising absorbed DNA from distantly-related taxa rather than coming from random errors in the tardigrade’s own DNA.
  • Have the foreign genes evolved since being taken into the tardigrade genome? Yes, certainly. The sequences are different from those in bactria, and in tardigrades they’ve also evolved “introns” (spacer DNA that separates parts of a single gene, which is present in tardigrades and other eukaryotes but not bacteria). Further, the “codon usage”—the particular triplets used to code for an amino acid—have also changed to correspond more closely to the frequency of usage in tardigrades than in the source bacteria. So after the foreign genes were incorporated and spread by natural selection, a more conventional process of natural selection tweaked the sequences of those foreign genes.

Now the million-dollar questions:

How common is this phenomenon, and does it tend to occur in certain types of species? While geneticists have found other cases of HGT, and it seems to take place in rotifers as well as at least this species of tardigrade, it doesn’t seem to be so common as to overwhelm the genomes of most species. For if it were that common, we simply wouldn’t be able to make credible evolutionary trees (“phylogenies”)—trees that depend critically on assuming that genetic change occurs by mutations within lineages, not by the wholesale movement of DNA among diverse lineages. Because trees are usually easy to construct, and don’t show signs of much HGT, we can be pretty confident that this phenomenon does not take place often in most species. (Bacteria, however, undergo HGT more often, making it harder to construct bacterial phylogenies.)

As for why it occurs in rotifers and this tardigrade (researchers need to look at more tardigrade species to see if H. dujardini is exceptional), there are two theories. One is that the absorption of foreign DNA is an adaptive response to the absence of sexual reproduction—a way to get genetic diversity in the absence of being able to swap genes among members of your own species. The authors discount this because, although this species includes mostly females who reproduce parthenogenetically (without sex), males are known to occur and the species does undergo reduction division, or meiosis. Also, there don’t seem to be special mechanisms that have evolved for taking in DNA. Rather, that DNA absorption appears to be a byproduct of what happens when tardigrades dry out and rehydrate, being stressed in the process.

I tend to go along with the authors’ theory that HGT in this species is simply a byproduct of what happens when tardigrades dry out—one aspect of cryptobiosis, a form of metabolic shutdown that occurs when organisms dehydrate, freeze, or are subject to other stress. In the case of tardigrades, I noted that this breaks their DNA and injures their membranes. When they rehydrate, they could take in some genes from foreign species that would help them repair their DNA and overcome their stress. Those foreign genes that aided in this survival would be those that get passed on. That’s natural selection.

To test this idea, we need to sequence the DNA of other species that undergo crytobiosis and rehydration, organisms like the brine shrimp (Artemia salina). One would predict that HGT would be more common in such species. In fact, the brine shrimp genome might already have been sequenced, although I can’t find any reports on it. If it hasn’t, scientists should get off their butts, sequence it, and look for evidence of HGT.

Finally, how much does this affect our view of evolution? As I said, although this doesn’t overturn the conventional theory of evolution by natural selection, it does expand it in two ways. First, we have to realize that “mutations” can include more than slight tweaks in an organism’s genome due to errors in replication, exposure to radiation, and so on. There can be “macromutations” in which a whole new gene is suddenly spliced into your genome. But after that happens, evolution will proceed as it always does: if the macromutations are adaptive, they’ll spread by natural selection; if they have no effect on the organism’s fitness (i.e., they’re “neutral”), they’ll be subject to the random sampling of genetic drift; and if they’re deleterious, natural selection will weed them out.

Second, if HGT were common and pervasive, it would make it hard to judge how organisms were related, which we do by making phylogenetic trees. Such trees would be hard to make if HGT were frequent, for trees are, as I said, based on the assumption that each lineage changes by mutation, drift, and selection in its own DNA, not by taking up foreign DNA from very unrelated species. The fact that such trees are usually made in eukaryotes without evidence of HGT suggests that HGT is not so common as to overwhelm the normal accumulation of genetic change within lineages. In this view of life, what we have is an amazing and unexpected phenomenon, one never conceived of by either Darwin or his immediate successors. It’s a view that expands our understanding of how evolution works but that doesn’t produce a new “evolutionary paradigm.”

You might recall that when HGT was found in bacteria and a few other species, New Scientist published an infamous edition with this cover claiming that DARWIN WAS WRONG:


He was supposedly wrong because the tree of life, so the article said, was based on the palpably false assumption that there was no movement of genes among distantly-related. Well, that’s not the case, and New Scientist simply suffered from Kuhn Envy. Darwin wasn’t wrong. He was mostly right, but didn’t anticipate something that could occasionally but rarely complicate the making of trees.

h/t: jsp


Boothby, T. C., J. R. Tenlen, F. W. Smith, J. R. Wang, K. A. Patanella, E. Osborne Nishimura, S. C. Tintori, Q. Li, C. D. Jones, M. Yandell, D. N. Messina, J. Glasscock, and B. Goldstein. 2015. Evidence for extensive horizontal gene transfer from the draft genome of a tardigrade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Published online before printNovember 23, 2015, doi:10.1073/pnas.1510461112

104 thoughts on “The weird genome of water bears (tardigrades): more than a sixth of it swiped from distantly related species

        1. Thanks, Yakaru!

          I don’t have Kuhn stored by just last name. He’s always Thomas Kuhn.

          The paradigm shift is evoked so frequently at the University of Washington that I’m becoming deaf to it.

          1. I mean invoked (not evoked).

            But what are the substantial paradigm shifts? Clearly evolution is one. Others?

            I hear people saying that precision medicine was supposed to be one for medicine, but now a few are saying it is epigenetics as an all-encapsulating metaphor for the contribution of non-genetic factors to health… Neither seem like ground-breakers to me. I’ve also heard people invoke paradigm-shift language when they want a political change. I suppose this is why the metaphor is a zombie to my ears–too many activists wolf-crying about about-to-be paradigm shifts.

          2. Oops, I didn’t update, my comment fits better here:

            Mind that “paradigms shift” isn’t testable, so it isn’t science. (I hear Kuhn himself put out some 20 different definitions.)

            Perhaps science undergoes ‘HGT’ as well, or perhaps it is analogous to a Bateson “Hopeful Monster”, but color me skeptical.

            Darwinian evolution had at least a century of forerunners, and two simultaneous authors for the core mechanism. Shift or the emergence of a new theory explaining new observations? (Uniformitarianism or deep history geology, or island biogeography, say.)

          3. “Evoked” would also fit!

            Regarding epigeneitcs, Deepak Chopra’s sidekick, Rudolph Tanzi showed up here a while ago complaining that Jerry was “not giving the new paradigm a chance” — meaning he had no evidence but was certain that epigenetics would overturn evolutionary theory and allow us to control our own personal evolution with our brain.

            As Torbjörn mentions below, it’s all a bit vague as well as overused. I guess the term does have some applications, but doubt that scientific progress would instantly cease if no one ever mentioned it ever again!

          4. Interesting! I’m studying epigenetics in humans for my dissertation, so I cringe at the pseudo-scientific types speaking magically about methylation. If it’s done to sale books, then it is invidious, as it messes with the public’s trust. I’m all for using ideas to help promote cardiac fitness and reduce diabetes and obesity, but extending the use of science metaphors too far (quantum anything in connection to public health) is like crying wolf, and that is the last thing public health officials need. We have enough trouble speaking clearly as it is. And we don’t need people to be more tone deaf to our messaging!!

          5. “I’m studying epigenetics in humans for my dissertation…”

            I’m impressed! Sadly for me, most of the science I know I learned in oder to be able to more effectively tell some people to shut up! (I did study some history & philosophy of science, though.)

            As far as I know, in academic circles epigenetics is popular because it “overturns evolution and proves Lamarck right”, and in New Age circles it grants control over one’s “future evolution”.

            And epigenetics can be used by New Agers to stop smoking! The soul influences methylation so that the necessary behavioral changes occur…. At least until one’s immortal soul decides it likes smoking and changes it back!

          6. @Yakaru: You responding gives me a chance to correct my use of saleto what I meant sell.

            Re what you’ve shared: Oh dear, I think I’ve just vomited in my mouth and swallowed.

            But I do have an interesting tale about I first learned of Lamarck. I was swimming last spring when a man grabbed my foot. He then told me I was going too slow and shamed me into moving myself into the slow lane. I couldn’t tell if I wanted to slap him or date him. Jane/Tarzan thing, I suppose. I composed myself but barely in time not to give him a piece of my mind. Quickly considering the unpleasantness of a verbal protest, I went ahead and obeyed and slithered into a less desirable lane but kvetched to my nearby girlfriends about the exchange.

            A few weeks later, he walked by me as I was locking up my bike, and this time I couldn’t stop myself. I stopped him and said, “Hey, are you the one who grabbed my foot?” He said, “probably.” He then said he was a neurologist and asked me what I did. I told him about my dissertation and the first thing he said was: “Do you know about Lamarck?” I said, “No, should I?” Needless to say, I spent the afternoon trying to figure out what the mysterious Lamarckian reference was about. (As I wasn’t an undergrad biology student, I sometimes learn late what’s obvious to everyone else.)

            Conclusion: My interests are not in transgenerational anything, so Lamarckian thinking doesn’t apply to the setting of my research, which is examining differential genome-wide methylation patterns in shift workers. But I’m glad to know what Lamarckian minefield not to step in!!

          7. “There was a big wave of paradigmitis in evolutionary biology in about 1980. A lot of ambitious self-promoting graduate students, postdocs, and young researchers had heard of Kuhn’s book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. They concluded that really innovative people invented new paradigms, while only dullards did “normal science”. So everyone started describing their results as founding a new paradigm. A lot of us had to spend a lot of our time killing off these new paradigms, mostly by showing that they were either wrong, or equivalent to older views.

            I used to joke that I would become famous by being the only person of my generation to do “normal science”.”

            –Joe Felsenstein, Sandwalk, September 18, 2014.

            1/. I think Kuhn has done a remarkable disservice to science. I’m almost certain this was unintentional. I think we were better sticking with the less formal, and not completely accurate, “science progresses one funeral at a time.”

            2/. I have a little test I apply. Every time I come across someone claiming their work is a paradigm shift I substitute “I wanna be a celebrity, look at me! look at me!” It can be distressingly revealing.

          8. Crap. I think I used the term “paradigm shift” in my last grant proposal – but not because I want to be a celebrity. I was using the “softer” definition of “paradigm” as “a model or pattern for something that may be copied”. I was merely emphasising that this was a new way of doing something (thanks to opportunities opened up by new technologies, rather than any new concepts/theories). Does such usage still rankle? If so, do you have a suggested alternative that carries the same sense of innovation but without the baggage?

          9. (WordPress keeps refusing to let me post. I’ll try again again.)

            Condensed response:

            As you are not claiming your work represents a paradigm shift my test doesn’t apply. But I think your question contains its own answer. If you are taking advantage of new opportunities, and maybe greater efficiency, through new technical means, why not just make that explicit?

          10. Kuhn’s thesis was bruited about quite freely during my 1972 OTS course.

            I like your test! 😀

        2. Interestingly “paradigms shift” isn’t testable, so it isn’t science. (I hear Kuhn himself put out some 20 different definitions.)

          1. I’m being playful and enjoying my time off this holiday weekend and the ability to interact on here 🙂 That’s my prelude for the nerdiness that follows:

            Maybe we could operationalize paradigm shift if we chose a measurable marker of attention and/or values that could be compared before and after a discovery or social event of interest. Maybe the supposed paradigm shift is a worldwide change in thinking such that science is substantially more valued. Maybe the event is the publishing of a breakthrough book or idea that goes viral.

            Using a retrospective design, we might select a large and random swath of Twitters and create a score for how sciency they are based on how many key scientists they follow, choosing also the set of key scientists. This variable would function as an indicator of interest in science. Then, after the earth-shattering, science-promoting event, we’d simply do a paired t-test to measure whether the means before and after differ enough to constitute confidence in earth-shatteringness.

            Maybe we could look at whether there’s a decline in interest in pop-culture as measured by a similar variable, a score for pop-culture interest based on number of key celebrities followed per individual.

            Supposing there’s an inverse relationship between pop-culture interest and science-following both before and after, we could visually examine how different the inverted slopes are. This would also us to picture in our heads how much more attention is being given to scientists versus popstars in the two time periods.

            Surely there are problems with my off-the-cuff design and more sophisticated statistics, but I had fun. @Torbjörn, can you tell I’m not a physicist? 🙂

    1. One of my strongest early memories, when very young, was looking at samples of pond water through my fathers’ microscope and finding them filled with mysterious crawling and swimming critters. Among these were water bears, and they were my immediate favorite too.

    2. So much for Spider-man – we need Tardigrade-man. He’d be much more impressive! And it could all be achieved via HGT. 🙂

    3. For some reason I can’t quite remember, I associate tardigrades with Greenland – something about them being found in the middle of the ice sheet, or something like that. And with Greenland, you only need to persuade 30-odd (sometimes downright peculiar) thousand people of your proposed flag.
      Actually, there’s a pretty good chance of them going for it. “Downright peculiar” is a good sign!

  1. This is fascinating, and a nice thing to wake up to. Of course an important theory out there these days is that all eukaryote genomes are partially derived from bacteria in a very distant sense. This theory, known as the ‘ring of life’, posits that eukaryotes are derived from an ancient fusion between a bacterial and an archaeal cell. Whole genome analysis has found that the eukaryote genome is a composite of these two prokaryote genomes, and the ring of life scenario is offered as an explanation for that.

    1. Since it was an Uppsala lead I want to point out that very likely Eukaryotes are a sister clade to Lokiarchaeota. [ ]

      The 40 % bacterial genes that migrated from the protomitochondria to the archaean nuclear genome over the span of ~ 2 billion years is twice the amount here (so happened much slower). Despite that a tree rather than a ring topology fits the cellular (nucleus) and organelle (mitochondria) clades, if not a particular gene.

      [Using a ‘ring’ to symbolize fusion is a nice thought, but the usual phylogenetic device would be to denote the changes between nodes, would it not? IMHO it confuses rather than illuminates.]

  2. Very cool – indeed at some points several degrees colder than a Chicago winter. The natural transfection mechanism associated with the tun state seems reasonable. However, in the vast majority of cases this would presumably be DNA uptake into somatic cells. Is the assumption that on occasion germ cells will also take up such DNA and that is the mechanism of transmission between generations or am I missing something?

    Was also interested that there seems to be “a build your own intone/exon” mechanism in play. Biology is so endlessly fascinating.

  3. Dear Professor, I challenge your observation that sciency stuff like this is not read. It is absolutly facinating but most of us feel that it would be arrogant of us to give our viewpoint on how evolutionary theory deals with The weirdness of tardigrades. Please feed our appetite for more fascinating posts like this. Perhaps something on the speciation of drosophila.

      1. How would you know the number of views? The whole article is right there on the site, no need to click through (which I appreciate).

        1. To be honest, I’d have to go and write a post (first this year, I think) on my blog to check it, but I …
          This shows how often I look at my own blog. I’d forgotten it’s on Blogger, not WordPress. Different system.
          That said, I do have a couple of posts that I need to do. Only got the abstracts a couple of days ago and haven’t had time to even start to read them.

      2. Jerry. Some of us are scientists (I am a molecular biologist working on actinobacteria), and I find your posts on different aspects of evolution absolutely fascinating. I never miss one; these are the posts that first drew me to your site, although I love reading the other stuff as well!! Keep up the good work and those science posts coming!!

      3. I wonder, too, about how views are known. This is my favorite kind of post on this site, and one that I not only read, but also open the comments to see what additional gleanings I can find there. Thanks for the free education.

      4. I tend to read your articles in my RSS viewer unless I want to read the comments or make a comment myself. And I’m less likely to do that for a science article because I am an amateur amongst professionals in that scenario.

  4. Is the uptake of foreign genes random?

    I strongly suspect that this is the wrong question. A better one would be “Is the retention of foreign genes random”?

    1. And is chromosomal integration (even before selective retention) random? And how is the tardigrade’s DNA re-integrated into chromosomes after fragmentation, i.e., upon rehydration following cryptobiosis, anyway? Is a process similar to normal recombination and/or transposon integration involved? (if so, could there be non-random integration depending on flanking homology?). (Sorry – maybe answers are given in the full pdf, but i can’t it.)

    2. For some reason this makes me think of a phrase describing the sex lives of certain marine animals : “copulation by guided missile”.

      1. Sometimes it is “squid pro quo”:

        “They also note that a male giant squid caught off Norway in the 1950’s was found to have spermatophores embedded in several of its arms and its mantle. Another male may have injected the spermatophores while attempting to impregnate a female in a case of mistaken identity, the scientists say.

        Alternatively, they suggest, the male may have ”literally shot himself in the foot.””

        [ ]

  5. “…adaptive response to the absence of sexual reproduction.”
    Is this more applicable to the rotifers, the previous record holders? I seem to recall that all species of rotifer do reproduce asexually. Do rotifers also undergo desication and rehydration?

    1. Evidence for sex in Rotifers was published earlier this year. It’s a nice story in that the Meselson lab had published previous excellent papers saying it didn’t happen, and then found that it does. A poster-child example of how science works.

      1. That’s the rotifers that haven’t had sex for 30-odd million years, allegedly? I’d heard the story – may even have RTFP – but hadn’t heard of an update.
        Doesn’t surprise me – tens of millions of years of parthenogenesis is a metric shipload (other pronunciations are available) of generations.

  6. This raises all kinds of questions. Such as:

    If/when they sequence other species of tardigrades, how much of the foreign gene material will they share?

    Why hasn’t someone done this before?

  7. I’m one of the skimmers who lacks the comprehension skills for many sciencey posts, but I was totally able to hang with this one. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy all the content, but I’m hooked on Hili and Cyrus.

    Anyway, two things:
    1. Does size matter with HGT? It seems like it only happens with really tiny things.

    2. I love/hate HGT. Hate it because it ruins the beautifully simple storyline. It gives ammo to critics and deniers. I love it for the same reason, because that’s what happens when you honestly pursue truth.

    1. My completely hand-wavey, speculative answer would be that size of the organism does matter, at least in terms of the proportion of cells that are germ line cells (future egg and sperm) versus non-germ line cells. There will be a better chance that the inserted DNA will happen to enter the germ line if the germ line accounts for 1/10th of the cells as opposed to, say, 1/100,000th of the total cells. Other factors also come into play that also favor HGT in smaller organisms, like #s of generations over time, and population size.

  8. I first heard about these beasties on Neil de Grasse Tyson’s version of “Cosmos” and wondered if the pictures were real, if they really looked like that. So thanks for the details. Fascinating.

  9. Very interesting article! I appreciate the bigger picture view of how this expands our understanding of evolutionary theory. I really appreciate how PCC doesn’t fall into (and actually actively works against) the trap of overstating and sensationalizing interesting scientific findings.

    I’ve always been fond of tardigrades, and it’s great to see this new information. I used to have the initial picture of this post as my computer background at work, but it creeped my boss out, so I changed it. I think tardigrades are quite cute, though. In fact, I commissioned my sister to make me a plush tardigrade for Christmas. I’m excited to see how it turns out!

  10. The tardigrades are clearly the HGT champs to date, and Jerry notes that it’s been reported in other cases. In fact, in some of these other cases it’s also pretty extensive: 7.5% of the genes in diatoms (unicellular marine eukaryotes, the ones with those beautiful glass encasements) are reported to have been acquired by HGT, presumably from the bacteria with which they co-habit. As noted upthread, eukaryotes originated as bacterial/archael mergers way back in the day, and they also got lots of transferred nuclear genes during the acquisition of mitochondria and chloroplasts. None of this, as Jerry stresses, goes against “standard” evolutionary theory — it just expands it!

    1. This is on the basis of the TARDIS experiment. It can only work in the tun state – a tardigrade that was mooching about would probably die if stuck on the outside of a satellite. Think of the tun as being like a seed – I’m not sure if anyone has exposed seeds to the hard vacuum of space, but my guess would be that they are recover quite well, although, like tardigrades, they would eventually die after a long period. – MC

      1. Holding back a Doctor Who joke….holding….holding…they’re bigger on the inside! Ha! Couldn’t help it!

  11. Always liked tardigrades from the day my hs biology teacher demonstrated them in moss on the lab window ledge. [Same trick in invert biology at college..]

    I’m guessing that Matthew’s stated age for the common ancestor of tardigrades and arthopods [700 mya] is primarily based on current understanding of rate of dna evolution in arthropods [and onychophora], since this ancestor would be older than the stem arthropods.

    The early Cambrian fossil tardigrades are beautifully preserved, and interestingly have only 6 legs. Anyone interested should check out the pdf link here:

    These phosphatic fossils can only be obtained by dissolving the rock — there must be a rich microfauna yet to be found in this lithology. Perhaps even 4-legged tardigrades, surely to named “Poo”.

  12. I’ve been reading the Wess’har series of sci-fi novels by Karen Traviss, in which spacefaring earthlings try to colonize a planet with the help of members of an advanced alien civilization. The heroine is infected with a virus that picks up dna sequences from other animals and integrates them into her (the host’s) dna, physically altering her so that she is able to survive the vacuum of space for several months. Then she is rejuvenated by soaking in water. Now to be told that there is a real creature like this!

  13. Awesome stuff, thanks! These scientific posts are always great for a layperson like myself to dip my toe into…

    When I read amazing info like this, it makes me wonder how IDers would react to such a bizarre yet beautiful aspect of biology. It just seems to me that these tiny critters speak to a non-inevitable unpredictability that belies any purposeful theory of creation. Of course, I have a bias in this regard, and an ID person would likely interpret the existence of tardigrades as just more proof of God’s profundity.

    1. For over a century, Darwinists have been saying that evolution works by children inheriting genes directly from their parents. Here is a clear example refuting that, where it’s obvious that an Intelligent Designer used His common toolkit to give water bears the exact genes they needed for their lifestyle. Yet Darwinists ignore the clear implication before their very eyes and invent a post hoc rationalization to try to save their godless theory.

      Or something like that.

  14. Nice post, thanks!

    Why the scare quotes around “clade” though? Are the Ecdysozoa not well established?

    I assume the tardigrades face selective pressure towards becoming so stress tolerant because they often live in moss and lichen, which are poikilohydric and thus regularly dry out?

    1. The concept that “we moult, so we are a clade” seems credible enough. But whether ALL organisms which moult are a monophyletic group is a bit more dubious. There may be organisms which have developed the moulting (“ecdysis” – hence “Ecdysozoa” ; cue the Classics people to learn us ‘ow to speak proper-like) habit independently, but we haven’t got a genome for which allows us to work this out. And there may be organisms within the clade “Ecdysozoa” which do not moult.
      So, scare quotes are a sensible caution, unless you’re really sure of the current controversies. I guess PCC(E) isn’t a high-level taxonomist, and is being cautious.

  15. ‘Cute’ ?


    That top photo gives me the willies. There’s something about its mouth that looks like an industrial fitment of some sort.

    I’ll have nightmares about giant tardigrades coming to get me. If Star Wars had killer critters they’d look like that.


    1. I picture someone making giant version of tardigrades to use as an industrial organisms one day. Their heads and mouths look artificial to me. Which just adds to their bizarreness.

  16. I’ve read multiple summaries of this, and this is far and away the best in both content and clarity. Carl Zimmer rank science journalism, and not for the first time. But…

    In fact, you could consider them a dramatically new expansion of evolutionary theory, for they show that organisms can evolve not just via mutations in their own DNA, but by taking in genes from completely unrelated species.

    You do realize that, in making a statement like this, you are implying that, when we talk about organisms, bacteria don’t really count.

    Note to microscopists: When you show us a picture, don’t tell us that it’s 200X optical magnification. Give us a scale line.

    1. Yes, reference scale in the image please! I reveal my physicist preference, but an original image without a reference scale isn’t a scientific one.

  17. We are told that the same DNA is in every cell in human – and others – bodies. Also we are told that radiation, et al, causes little mutations in DNA. Well,suppose radiation hits one body part, causing some mutation there. Does the DNA in every one on the millions of that body’s cells change with the same mutation simultaneously? If not, then wouldn’t the DNA be NOT the same in every body cell?

    1. Where to start?
      By having lunch before the galley closes! that’s a good place.
      There are multiple issues with your question, denoting several places where you need educating. Trying to decided which to start with is hard.
      First point : IN THEORY, all cells in a metazoan have identical genomes, because all metazoan develop (not evolve – individuals develop) from a single cell – the fertilized egg ; but in practice the exigencies of mutation do get in the way as you say.
      Mutations in my cancerous lungs won’t propagate to my offspring because (1) lung cells don’t develop into sperm or eggs, and (2) even if they did, they wouldn’t get past the cauterised wounds.
      The only mutations which are evolutionarily significant are those which get into the next generation by being in a germ line cell, and by that germ line cell being the one that wins the race to fuse.

    2. “We are told that the same DNA is in every cell in human – and others – bodies.”

      Well not quite. It’s a simplification.

      Our bodies start as a single cell containing two copies of each chromosome, about 3.2 billion base pairs in our the genome. All of our cells are derived from that cell, and all have copies of its DNA. But the copies are very rarely perfect as the polymerase that does the copying has a small error rate, and imperfect proofreading. Michael Lynch estimates copy error rates in our body cells are around 8*10^-10 per base pair per cell division. Ignoring the infinitesimal chance of a back mutation these errors will be handed on to all that cells daughter cells, except in those odd cases where the mutation is fatal to the new cell and it therefore has no daughters.

      The consequence of this is that we are all chimeras. Our bodies are made up of cells carrying between them billions of variations of the original DNA, often thousands of variations per cell, varying mostly due to sloppy copies accumulating over multiple generations of cell division. A small amount of variation will also be caused by environmental mutagens. And maybe a small amount due to DNA parasites such as escaped transposons, or retroviral infections.

      So your instincts are good. The DNA in each cell is not literally the same. But it is derived from a common ancestor. And it is not difference in DNA that accounts for the differences in well behaved cells, but difference in gene expression.

      …and then there is cancer. But by that stage accumulated genetic damage in just the wrong regions has chucked “well behaved” right out the window.

      Michael Lynches’ article: “Rate, molecular spectrum, and consequences of human mutation“, PNAS January 2010.

  18. How could New Scientist have claimed this refutes Darwin? I think the genetic basis of evolution wasn’t understood until the 20th Century, and Darwin wrote without any knowledge of Mendel’s work. This seems like terribly sloppy work — which, unfortunately, seems to be the standard in journalism these days.

  19. This is fascinating! But isn’t horizontal gene transfer common in humans? I believe it is referred to as the missionary position. Maybe I’m doing it wrong.

  20. It would be ironic if anyone tried to use this paper to argue that HGT was so rampant that it made phylogenetics (and evolutionary inference) meaningless/impossible – it is exactly because HGT is not so rampant to completely destroy the dominant phylogenetic signal that we are able to identify HGT in the first place! HGT is basically identified by individual genes/regions having the “wrong” phylogenetic tree (and ruling out other explanations, such as convergence).

    1. Wait until Deepak gets wind of it. It will be a way to absorb other DNA through consciousness and quantum.

  21. I’m *just* a neuroscientist interested in brain development, but I’ve always been fascinated with evolutionary theory. Although you state this work “doesn’t affect evolution by natural selection”, hasn’t natural selection been shown to produce little of the molecular variation we see today? I’d really like to see an online debate, say between you and Larry Moran (selectionist vs neutralist). To me, this distinction is critical to properly explain evolution, and combat the fallacious arguments from IDiot proponents.

    Maybe this has already happened, and I can be swiftly shamed for not googling more effectively.

    1. Natural selection does not produce molecular variation. Natural selection is the process by which HERITABLE variation changes in frequency due to causally-linked differential survival of different variants. It removes variants.

      Most variation is probably selectively neutral – adaptive changes are relatively rare, whilst detrimental variants have a tendency to be lost due to the process of natural selection. There are lots of variants at the molecular level – and probably at different phenotypic levels – that essentially make no difference to survival and/or reproduction. However, ADAPTATION requires natural selection. The chances of neutrally evolving an adaptive trait are tiny. Adaptation is a product of competing existing variants, it is not a creator of specific new variants. (ID proponents seem to struggle with this distinction.)

      Without variation, adaptation – and evolution – could not happen. Over time, both natural selection and random genetic drift (chance fluctuations in which variants are passed on) remove variation from the population. For evolution to not grind to a halt, we therefore need a source of new variation. This is mutation – including gene duplications and horizontal gene transfer. Mutations of different kinds are the natural byproduct of biological processes – some “deliberate” (hard-coded), others accidental – NOT the product of natural selection. (Although natural selection does act on the cellular machinery to alter the rate at which new mutations arise.)

      A newly acquired gene from another species will be subject to the same selective processes as any other novel variant in the population. In this sense, it “doesn’t affect evolution by natural selection”. It is only the source – and scale – of the novel variants that is different. The main difference is that it potentially speeds up evolution *within a specific lineage*. The long process of evolving a particular molecular function can happen elsewhere and then just be imported in a ready-to-go state. Thanks to a shared genetic code, foreign protein-coding genes are generally “plug-and-play” so long as they have (or insert next to) the right promoter sequences etc. Additional mutations and natural selection will then act (more gradually) to optimise the expression and activity of the new gene in its new genetic background in the “normal” way.

      From an evolutionary theory perspective, there is nothing new really: HGT has been known about for decades in bacteria and we understand the evolutionary implications very well. It is surprising to find so much going on in a complex multicellular organism but this surprise is really a mechanistic thing – how do foreign genes get into the germline? – not an evolutionary thing. Evolution is notoriously opportunistic, so as soon as there is a mechanism for something to happen, it is fairly inevitable that evolution will co-opt it.

  22. Now I have to try to find some water bears. Plenty of moss and lichen around here. I have a nice microscope for plant identification, but it only goes to 45x.

  23. I can see the Creationists leaping on that and beating that false horse to death and beyond.
    I would be surprised if they aren’t touting the tardigrade as some means of derailing all of biological science in relation to Evolution.
    If not now, when?

  24. I caught up! I made the tardy grade.

    More seriously, thanks a bunch for the synopsis! I haz an accident, so reading will be sparse for a while. WEIT is a must read, however.

  25. I’m not a microbiologist, so I don’t know much about HGT or bacteria, but I couldn’t help but think about our competition: the superbugs and how HGT gives them an edge.

    The Lancet has a recent publication on bacteria resistant to last-line antibiotics, in which they conclude: “In the absence of new agents effective against resistant Gram-negative pathogens, the effect on human health by mobile colistin resistance cannot be underestimated. It is imperative that surveillance and molecular epidemiological studies on the distribution and dissemination of mcr-1 among Gram-negative bacteria in both human and veterinary medicine are initiated, along with re-evaluation of the use of polymyxins in animals.”

    Emergence of plasmid-mediated colistin resistance mechanism MCR-1 in animals and human beings in China: a microbiological and molecular biological study”

    Popular press write-up

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