58 thoughts on “An enigmatic cartoon

  1. First it struck me as Sukkot, waving fronds. Then I thought it might be a visual pun: cats under wheat/grain/rye. I can’t finish it, but playing with the image might yield something. Katz NY would be closed today. Maybe a clue there, and a reference to rye bread.

    David E. Powers, Ph.D.

      1. Yes the cat is actually attacking the stalks. But like David Powers, I was reminded of some sort of Egyptian-style theology where there’s cat diety in then center of the picture with slaves fanning him/her/it with big grass thingys.

        TutanCatmun. πŸ™‚

  2. If it’s good enough for cats it’s good enough for me. But there is something that feels Egyptian about the picture I cannot quite put my finger on.

  3. Once upon a time, a guy with the cat toy wrote a phone message to a friend, whether they want to join his religion. The friend, now curious, ask what religion and sees the cat picture send to him. β€œI’m interested.” the friend replies, interested in worshipping cats, too. THE END.

  4. Palm Sunday

    On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the first joy of the season, as we celebrate Our Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem

  5. It seems suggestive of some sort of worshiping, but I don’t get it. Just for the fun of it, I searched for info regarding cats and grain, came up with nothing specifically relevant to this image, but did find this Wiki on cultural depictions of cats https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_depictions_of_cats, which has a bunch of interesting info and lore, including tails/tales about the cats of Jesus and Mo.

    Mo’s cat was aptly named Muezza (though I’m sure it’d be blasphemous to name a cat Muezza today — would imply that the call to prayer is nothing but caterwauling; yet one would simply be imitating the Prophet. “The most famous story about Muezza recounts how the call to prayer was given, and as Muhammad went to put on one of his robes, he found his cat sleeping on one of the sleeves. Instead of disturbing the cat he cut off the sleeve and let him sleep.” I bet neither ISIS nor Linda Sarsour would approve of that.

    “A similar legend states that when Jesus Christ was born, he would not stop crying no matter what anyone did, and what finally calmed him was when a tabby cat jumped into the manger, and its purring lulled him to sleep. The Virgin Mary petted the cat in gratitude, and the “M” on the forehead of the tabby cat is for her name.”

    1. Cats and grain? I think there’s a long traditional association. The cats were welcome around granaries and mills because they kept the mice down.


  6. I don’t think it requires too much over-intellectualizing. It’s just a caption contrived as an excuse to share a picture of a cat looking like a tent preacher.

    1. Agreed. It was meant to be a picture of a cat being teased with a stalk of grain, that happened to come out looking like a cat invoking the blessing of the harvest god.

      1. Great, leave it to the internet to create a religion based on a picture too grainy to interpret. This will only lead to sectarian strife in which people’s felines will get hurt.

  7. All religions have trappings that identify thar religion.
    All religions are made up.
    This religion identified by bats swatting at wheat interest this person.
    The religion based on cockroaches driving tiny trains interests some other subset of humanity.

  8. It`s just a really odd meme. Pictures can be different, phrases “what`s your religion” and “I`m interested” stay the same.

  9. I think it’s pretty clear. It’s not referring to any specific religion, it’s just that the cat looks like he’s either blessing an audience or demonstrating some sort of holiness. The plant coming from the side of the frame is suggestive of some sort of ritual.

    The second I saw it I guffawed because that’s exactly what it looks like: some kind of worshiping ritual in which the cat is either high priest or the one being worshiped.

  10. The β€œreligion β€œ apparently involves a bizarre, cult-like worship service having to do with standing cats and palm leaves. Someone looked at the photo and thought it resembled something ritualistic and ecstatic (pagan corn worship? Palm Sunday?) The joke would probably work with any strange-looking photo β€” an old lady happily eating ice cream on a tricycle while wearing a beanie hat and oversized sunglasses, say.

    Come to think of it, I’d join that one.

  11. It appears to be something Japanese, and if it relates to a meme of the Japanese culture then it’s no surprise that it doesn’t make sense to us Westerners. Try a Google search for this:

    かしこ みか しこみ 猫

    (I have no idea what that says.)

    Highlight it, right-click it, and click on “Search Google.” Then switch to Google Images.

  12. Clearly to a logical rational mind all religious practices are incomprehensible and noensical and since this picture it totally baffling it therefore must be a religous practice. That is if a=b and b=c then a=c. Simple

  13. Perhaps people sent it to you because you have such a love/infatuation with cats. We always had cats as a child, and I have to say that I find them rather attractive creatures, but in Australia (where I now live) and New Zealand (where I was brought up) feral cats are a huge problem, decimating the wildlife. This has altered completely my attitude towards domestic felids.

      1. Disgruntled Aussie punter (after yet another New Zealand horse has won the Melbourne Cup):
        Why do those damn Kiwi horses run so fast?
        A: They’ve seen what happened to the sheep.


  14. Speaking of cats…I have so many cats in home . I always carried them and sometimes my neighbors said that ” HEY! THE CAT MAN IS HERE AGAIN!”. And I just replied, “meowwkk meokkkw meowww”, and they laughed so much. πŸ˜€

  15. Maybe the person’s name is literally “Interested” but they forgot to capitalize their name and everyone thinks it’s hilarious that they forgot.

  16. Is it the cat in the picture asking the other cat to join her cat religion? Or is the cat’s human asking another human to sign up for a cat cult?

    The former is funnier to me.

  17. Way too much over thinking things here.

    It looks like a simple cat meme, and the religion is secondary: people love cats so much they’d think about joining any religion that was based on them.

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