I didn’t get groped!

October 26, 2016 • 1:00 pm

TSA PreCheck is the best thing ever. It must have taken me three minutes to get all the way through security, and this was at O’Hare. I didn’t have to take out my computer or liquids, remove my shoes, my belt, or my laptop from the bag.  And. . .NO GROPING. Let the plebeians be groped!

On another note, as I’ll be traveling, please limit the emails you’ll be sending to one every few days or so. The exception is Readers’ Wildlife Submissions, as I didn’t bring the ones at home with me.

And. . have a cat gif. Is this cultural appropriation? If so, by whom?


43 thoughts on “I didn’t get groped!

  1. Its clearly the human doing the catural appropriation.

    Pawing down, as it were.

    I have to say, that’s the biggest butt-wiggle I’ve ever seen a cat do. What the heck does that kitteh think he’s going to pounce on that he needs that much wiggle – a moose? A wiggle that big kind of eliminates the whole point of skulking down low, doesn’t it?

      1. I assume it’s for the same reason sprinters wiggle their feet in the blocks before the starting gun. Something to do with traction, I suppose.

      2. Because looking good is important to cats! Style is important!

        One of my favorite movie lines (no doubt inspired by a cat), in response to a warning that the quotee better be careful or the bad guy might have him killed, “Maaaannnn, I won’t even notice cuz I’ll be too busy looking good!”

        Come to think of it “cool cat” is an apt period correct description of the quotee.

        I hope I am not inappropriately appropriating anyone else’s culture.

        1. Your quote is from Bruce Lee’s 1973 movie “Enter the Dragon.” The words were stated by Jim Kelly, in his fight with Mr. Han.

          1. Actually, if I recall correctly, it wasn’t during his fight with Mr. Han but an earlier scene. I think he was talking to the John Saxon character.

          2. Respectfully, it is indeed with Mr. Han, and can be seen on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HUGMBu-rTI). In the film, Jim Kelly portrayed Williams, and John Saxon was Roper. Williams and Roper were good buddies who had been out of touch for a while, but met up in Hong Kong for the tournament. Williams’ words “…I’ll be too busy lookin’ good” were in the same scene in which Williams says to Mr. Han, “Man, you come right out of a comic book!” By the way, I saw the movie when it first came out in theaters (1973), and have had the DVD for many years. Got to trust me on this one darrelle.

          1. I’m gonna eat you little fishies!
            I’m gonna eat you little fishies!
            Cause I like little fish!

      1. The muscle-warming-up idea was my first thought.

        I thought the distraction was already encompassed by the “selection for long cats” hypothesis. 😉

      2. That’s what I figured; getting the muscles loosened up. Though I’ve also humorously heard it referred to as the cat aiming itself at the target; moving the ‘back of the missile’ around to make sure its all lined up.

      3. I’m not at all sure that “fast twitch” muscles benefit appreciably from “warming up”. Any physiologists comments?
        On the other hand, bedding the paws firmly into the (potentially loose) soil is likely to have benefit on almost every pounce.

  2. When I read the title to this post my warped mind turned it into a Jeopardy answer. The question was “what a women meeting Trump for the first time has never said”.

  3. It’s a sad commentary on our times when a level of airport security annoyance that was the norm for everyone a generation ago is now touted as “the best thing ever”.

  4. I think the cat wiggle is a tell or a read. Same as a poker player showing he has a good hand or whatever. The eye twitches or pulls an ear. The cat sees an opportunity and cannot help it.

      1. Yeah, and that’s the sort of mannerism that had all the right-wing-whackos proclaiming she had all sorts of physical/mental ailments during the campaign.

        1. I thought it was her best moment of the debate — of all three debates. The moment when she really settled into the role and began to enjoy it, when she let down her guard and came closest to being herself. I hope it’s a preview of what we can expect when she moves back in the White House (into the west wing, rather than the east, this time around).

          1. I can see that. I’m sure it rankled Trump no end (well, it was patently obvious) that he couldn’t provoke her at all.

            But I liked her tough-talk-from-the-beginning approach to the third debate, too. It was like, “OK, enough humor about my opponent’s assinity–time to show who’s really the alpha pol here.” It was the sort of thing most people would cheer from a male; I’m sure that instead, coming from a woman, it brought out all the humorless-crone-non-smiling misogyny of the would-be tough guys. The last refuge of the p**** whipped.

          2. You’ve got the makings of a great Samuel Johnson paraphrase there, Diane: Men’s-rights advocacy — the last refuge of the p*ssy-whipped. 🙂

        2. You want to see a prize array of brain-damaged right-wing whackjobs, just read the comments at that link that Ken posted.

          Better still, don’t.


  5. I don’t get groped. I don’t have pre-check. I don’t fly through the USA.

    Sorry if that sounds like a smartass comment but it’s true.


  6. Isn’t it great that we now have to pay every five years to be able to get through security the same way we were able to get through it for free prior to 2001?

  7. Plebeians were still Roman citizens and therefore elite. However, this didn’t stop me from describing Julius Caesar’s quest to become a Patrician (he was born a Plebeian) as “Patrician Ambition Tour” in reference to Madonna’s “Blond Ambition” tour in the 90s.

    Because I’m that hilarious among Classics students.

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