Thursday: Hili dialogue

November 12, 2015 • 4:48 am

The end of the week is in sight, I have a ton of work to do, and posting may be light. As always, though, I will do my best.  I have made inquiries about whether Leon will be able to attend the wedding of his staff, and will report back with the answer.  On this day last year (has it really been a year?), the Philae probe landed on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. And, on November 12, 1945, the great Neil Young was born, making today his 70th birthday! Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili is oblivious to the festivities, caring only for topping up her stomach. She also seems a bit unfocused:

Hili: Let’s go back home.
A: Why?
Hili: It’s time for a second breakfast. An hour has passed since the first one.

P1030578 (1)

In Polish:
Hili: Wracamy do domu.
Ja: Czemu?
Hili: Pora na drugie śniadanie, od pierwszego minęła już cała godzina.

4 thoughts on “Thursday: Hili dialogue

    1. You beat me to it by (I don’t know how many hours until I click submit) because I’m not very good at working out the time difference.

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